
Saturday, May 5, 2007

TCS 2000

TCS -2000



heap-to pile,

1)2 pencils costs 8 cents,then 5 pencils cost how much
2)a work is done by the people in 24 of them can do this work a
lonely in 40 much time required to do the same work for the
second person
3)a car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round
trip.fuel is taken 1/4 gallons more in going than coming.what is the
fuel consumed in coming up.
a)2 gallons
4)low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 hinge
as higher temperature in a day.sum of the low temp and high temp is
100 c. then what is the low temp.
a)40 centigrade
5)a person who decided to go weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours
driving in a day average spped of forward journey is 40 mph.due to
traffic insundays the return journey average speed is 30
far he can select a picnic spot.
a)120 miles
6)a sales person multiplied a number and get the answer is 3 instead
of that number divided by 3.what is the answer he actually has to get.
7)a ship started from a port and moving with I mph and another ship
started from L and moving with H which place these two ships
a)between I and J and close to J
8)a building with height D ft shadow upto G.A neighbour building with
what height shadow C ft is
a)B ft
9)a person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph.another
person was also fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the
same if the second person was travellling at a speed of 35 mph.find
speed limit
10)a bus started from bustand at 8.00am and after 30min staying at
destination it returned back to the bustand.the destination is 27 miles
from the bustand the speed of the bus 50percent fast speed at
what time it returns to the bustand.
11)in a mixture,R is 2 parts,s is 1 part in order to make s to 25%
of the mixture,howmuch r is to be added
a)one part
12)wind flows 160 miles in 330min.for 80 miles how much time
13)with 4/5 full tand vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tand
how much distance travels
a)5 miles
14)2 trees are grows at 3/5 of the other.In 4 years total
growth of the trees is 8 ft.what growth will smaller tree will have in
2 years.
a)2 ft
15)a storm will move with a velocity of --- towards the center in ---
at the same rate how much far will it move in hrs
a)8/3 or 2 2/3
15 not clear


my father had no brothers but his 3 sisters are all married and each
has 2 grandfather has 2 sons. father was an only child F
2.3 of my aunts have sons C
3.i have six cousins on my mother's side C
4. i have only one uncle F

Senior managers in a leading company said that new japanese investment
in india was transforming the car industry and warned that jobs were
under threat from japanese competition. they stated that increasing
competition would be coupled with an in evitable downturn i the car
market and the recent rise in interst rates whaich had already hit

5.some senior managers said that more people will want to buy new cars
the future. F
6.managers told workers that japanese workers are taking jobs away
from indian workers in the car industry. F
7.the managers issued their warning after a rise in interest rates. T

8.the increased rate of the interest will mean that japanese firms
will cease to operate in this country. C

C.Researchers in mumbai have found that certain types of gallstones
can be dissolved by injecting them with a gasoline additive in the
form of
ether the ether is injected through a tube directly into a tube
into the gallbladder.the one day treatment works only on
cholesterol-based stones.not those composed largely o calcium.however
as the
clolesterol stones are by far the most common typefor millions of
sufferers the treatment should offer a welcome alternative tosurgery
the commonest option in nost hospitals.
9.injecting ether into the gallbladder dissolves most gallstones
T is the only treatment for calcium stones T
11.hundreds of peoplecontains calcium stones C
12.calcium stones will be cured in one day F

D.organising the home can be perceived as conferring power so large
numbers of women are unwilling to let go of chores,even when they have
careers.a survey found that,out of 65 new marriages not one single
wife expected her husband to share work equally.according to the
family policy studies center 81% working wives return home to do all th
cooking.The average male has nearly half as much more tfree time at
than his wife and the typical new father spends just 37 seconds a day
talking to his baby.
13.most working wives do not expect their husbands to share chores
equally. T
14.the average wife has half as much free time at weekends as her
15.some women collude in the unequal distribution of house hold work
because they want to retain control C
16. 39% of all men with working wives do the cooking and all the

E.confucius said that to know the future we have to understand
thepasthis time transport ,communications and scientific knowledge were less
developed than they are took weeks to travel where as
today satellite links connect the continents virtually
instantaneously.but our technological advances in the field of communications seem not to have improved our capacity to understand one another confucius daay people were more intelligent C
18.we understand each otheer better now than in confucius time because
we can travel more quickly. F
19.we have made great improvements in transport since confucius day
20.none of our scientific discoveries has really improved our lives

F.words in totalitarian systems have an unhealthy importance and in
such states now attempting to return to a more democratic normality there
has been a natural inevitable and healthy devaluation of words whereas
previouslu a single word used in a sppech or even a play or poem
could be a serious political event now the words come cheaper almost
free. politics is politics again and poetry only poetry.

21.totalitarian state devalue words T
22.only non-totalitarian regimes produce poetry of political importance
23.writers under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words care
fully T
24. the democratic political system is healthier than others C

G.statistics show that millions of vehicals have beencarried by
over the past 30 years through alpine tunnels withouty one ever
catching the alpine tunnels.drivers and passengers sit in
theirvhehicals on the shuttle trains.only one vehical has evercaught fire on the
bussy french motorail equivalent system.this sort of accidents is not
possible in a closed shuttle. assertinos that a vehical fire will lead to
catastophe have no basis. since the resoures exit do detect,control and
extingush a fire and to remove any persons present safely to an
adjoning wagon, leaving any surviving fire facing rapid extinction within a
built to contain fire for 30 minutes. catastrophe seems very unlikely.

25. if a car cauget fire in a rail shuttle, probably none would be
(T) least one vehical has cauht fire in an alpine tunnel.(f)
27.if a fire started in a wagon, it would be allowed to burn itself out
30 minutes.(f)
28.if would theoreticaly be possible for a car to cath fire in aclosed
shuttle system.(F)
H)every form of art is protected by copy write,upon the expiration of
whitch the property passes into the public domain and becomes freely
available to any one wishing to exploit it commercialy. the time has come
when all treasures shoud pass to the controled of a trust,and by this
made readily available to anyone on pament of a fee or royality.the
income fromthe works of tagore would alone be enarmous.these who now main
financialbenifit from his genius should make some contribution to the
welfare of the arts in general.

29.tagore's plays are not protected by copyright. F
30.tagore's decendants should be asked to make some contribution to the
arts C
31.instead of buying a ticket , theatregoers should pay a fee to trust
for the benefit of the arts. C
32. More people could go to the theatre if copy rightwere abolished

I. Hacking is a crime made possible by a relatively new technology,
which one of the reasons it is often poorly understood and reported. Many
computers, but no means all,are now linked togetherin networks which
allow users on one computer to communicate with others on the same
network.If a computer is not networked,no manipulation of its datafrom
another machine is possible.So long as users are authorised, networking
is just a way of making work easier and more productive.Hacking on the
other hand,is the unauthorised use of networks or unauthorised entty
into the computers themselves.Most people do not need to break into
the networks they use,since they are already accredited users.

33. Most hackers are authorised to break into networks F
34. Computers are only vulerable to the unauthorised manipulation of
their data via another computer if they are networked T
35.The main reason why it is relatively easy to break into a computer
is that few people understand the technology. C
36.Hackers do not work fot the firms whose networks they break into.

J.Although invaders represent a threat to the conservation of flora
and fauna,there are two special cases in which invasion have been
deliberately brought about.One is the desire to control presents by natural
whichmay have to be brought in from other countries.The second is
releasing organisms into the wild(or on to farms,from which they might
escape)that are completely novel,beacause they have been genetically
engineered.There is nothing intrinsically sinister about engineered
organisms,but any novelty must be regarded as a potential invader.
37.Pest control does not threat the conservation of flora and fauna.
38.Genetically engineered organisms must always be regarded as
potentially dangerous. F
39.Natural predators are work harmful than pests.T
40.Genetically engineered organisms escaped from the farm,they will be
pose a threat to wildlife. T

K.electronics technology is coming to the rescue of helicopters which
can be grounded or crash in icy conditions the machines are especially
vulnerable to the build up of ice on both their rotors and engine air
intake when operating in cold damp conditions.the problem is 2 fold
ice increases the weight and the build upp makes the aerofoils less
efficient .now at last a detector has been devised which the company hopes
will mean safer flightsand less frequent grounding.unlike most devices
in use at present it can detect the liquid water content of
cloud above freezing the warning is ginven before the
potential hazard is encountered. electronic device has been invented which will prevent the build
up of ice on helicopter rotors F
40.helicopters are sometimes grounded because in cold damp weather
their engine air intakes and rotors malfuntion owing to the formatrion of
41.only one device can at present detect the liquid water content of
cloud above freezing level C future fewer helicopters will crash or have to grounded T
L.anyone whos has systematically examined faces will have perceived a
prepondreance although not a proliferation of asymmtry.whether or not
the expression is volitinal and self controlled or spontaneous
appears to predict facial asymmetry as does the type of emotion
protrayed.positive emotions are usually displayed symmetrically although a
left sided

representation of a negative emotion is more common.posed expressions
and negative emotions are less likely to be symmetrically represented. angry person is more likely to have a lopsided expression than
someone who is smiling T
44.a deliberately assumed facial expression will always be
asymmetrical F actor is likely to smile symmetrically when acting C
46.more self conscious people are likely to have less asymmetrically
facial expressions than those who are less aware of themselves T

M. human existence is not susceptible of arbitary division between
consciousness and unconsciousness.the conscious world invades and
the activities of the unconscious while many of the great
achievements of
humanity's waking hours were wholly or partly inspires bu dreams
..even if
it could be argued that dreams precede experience such a dichotomy
not be drawn as the influence of dreaming on the waking state would
unclear but as yet no common vocabulary exists to record the
of prenatal dreaming
47.sleep can be a creative state. T is difficult to tell whether a sleeper is dr3eaming or not C
49. if we knew what babies dream about before they are born we could
show that conscious and unconscious mond influence one another F
50. it is untrue to claim that the conscious and unconscious worlds
impinge on one another F

New twenty questions
N. disease x succeeds lung may also occur helthy persons
person looks healthier from outside.the number of red blood cells in

the blood increased and this leads to thickness fo the blood as a
of which blood lacks inside the vessels .the person suffers heart
one possible solution is to remove a litre of blood or to control
growth of red blood cells.
53.lung disease precedes the disease x T
54.a person who gets heart attack always has disease x F
55.people suffering from disease x look healthier C litre of blood must be removed to cure this T

O.a starfire engine has been designed to work only for unleaded
petrol.this crossfire engine is designed for both 1500 and `1800 cc
they internally and externally look alike except for the difference
in wheels ----,2000 cc is differentr from the above.two in terms of
features --- ----- ---- on the bumber.
57.the engine run only on the leaded petrol F
58.1500 and 1800 cc look alike F
59.apart from cross fire engines they manfacture ---- F
60.internal structure of the 2000cc is same as that of both 1500 and
1800 cc C

P.a weed killer to kill the weeds has been developed.the weed killer
solution has to be applied to the growing tips. it need not to be
to all the tips.the solution has to be prepared in a can in one hand
and the plants are taken in the other hand with a glove and are
in the solution if we cannot immerse them in the solution the
can be applied to the roots with a used without care it can
pose danger to other plants.
61.the solutions has to applied to growing leaves use the weedkiller first take the plants in the cn as then pour
solution into it. is sufficient to apply it only to some roots effects to the other plants.

65.flora 3 sofa set gives value to ur money
66.padding is used to increase durablity
67.flora will made all other products other than sofa sets
68.can we use wood as ----- T

69.the length of the cracker will be less than 12 cm F
70.the center part of the crackers is 4cm T

these are the questions given from tcs paper
dont answer all questions.
In reasoning test at the end of each question we indicated
where F represents False
" T " True
" C " cant say.


Aafter this test,psychmetry test will be there.dont bother about it.
it is just
formal.they will not consider it.But answer all 150 questions in 30

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